Chat, AI and Questions
As of the 14th March 2025 I have added a second chat box to the website.
You will now see 2 chat widgets on the bottom left of the website.
The Red circle is a real chat that means you will talk to me direct while the Blue one is a new AI chat Bot with no personal involvement.
Red Circle (Shopify Inbox) chat
When you ask a question here I get an instant notification and an email so will try and reply as quickly as possible. If i am not available or it is out of my working hours this will normally be received as an email.
Although I try really hard to help everyone, this chat can be really hard to keep up with because I am just a one man business and doing everything myself.
I am often asked the same questions or variations of the same subject which can make things very time consuming.
This is why I am trialing the AI Chat Bot...
Blue Speech Bubble (AI Chat Bot).
The AI chat bot is a trial from a company called Conversagent. It uses GPT4 technology and is always available.
Basically it is cross referencing your questions against the pages on the web shop and working out the best answers it can.
I get to see the chat, both questions and answers, after the chat has finished so am reviewing them. The Bot will also tell me if it was unable to answer the question or offer guidance. This will help me add content to the website over time.
For example a chat earlier today wanted instructions or a video to show how to fit the Simagic QR to a conversion kit. This is not available, but I now know that it would be useful to add something to the website on this.
It seems the AI chat does not ask for any contact information though, so I have no way of knowing who asked and getting back to them directly, which is a shame.
Please remember the AI chat Bot is trial and I would welcome any feedback on it by email or via the Red Circle chat.
It would be great if it helps you, my customers, and also helps free up some of my time... but I want to be sure it's useful before both paying for it and forcing it on you all.